台中 磐鈺雲華
台中 磐鈺雲華
位於台中五期精華區段的盤鈺雲華,攜手新加坡WOHA建築團隊,打造台中最綠建築,引進自然,讓家沉溺於寧靜與綠意環繞,盡享從容自在的生活態度。 廚房是家的相聚殿堂,嚴選bulthaup b3落地高櫃搭配一字的中島系統,光亮無暇的鋼琴烤漆將窗外光景帶入了室內,灰階的門板與牆上的木紋相互呼應著,讓空間有了一種和諧的寂靜之美;在一片簡約灰色調中,如寶石般耀眼的石榴紅牆面與雪白的中島,為空間注入了鮮活的氣息,就讓我們相聚於此,與家人朋友一同享受料理的樂趣,簡單卻也幸福。
位於台中五期精華區段的盤鈺雲華,攜手新加坡WOHA建築團隊,打造台中最綠建築,引進自然,讓家沉溺於寧靜與綠意環繞,盡享從容自在的生活態度。 廚房是家的相聚殿堂,嚴選bulthaup b3落地高櫃搭配一字的中島系統,光亮無暇的鋼琴烤漆將窗外光景帶入了室內,灰階的門板與牆上的木紋相互呼應著,讓空間有了一種和諧的寂靜之美;在一片簡約灰色調中,如寶石般耀眼的石榴紅牆面與雪白的中島,為空間注入了鮮活的氣息,就讓我們相聚於此,與家人朋友一同享受料理的樂趣,簡單卻也幸福。
Name | Provider | Purpose | Expiration |
CookieConsent | bulthaup | Saves the user’s consent status for cookies on the current domain. | Session |
Name | Provider | Purpose | Expiration |
IDE | Used by Google DoubleClick to register and report the user’s activities on the website following the display of one of the provider’s ads or the act of clicking on it, the aim being to measure the effectiveness of ads and display advertising tailored to the visitor. | 12 months | |
fr | Used by Facebook to display a range of advertising products, such as real-time offers from third-party advertisers. | 2 months | |
NID | Registers a unique ID that identifies the device of a repeat visitor. The ID is used for targeted advertising. | 6 months | |
__Secure-3PAPISID | Used to generate a profile of the interests of website visitors for targeting purposes, the aim being to display relevant and personalized Google advertising. | 24 months | |
__Secure-3PSID | Used to generate a profile of the interests of website visitors for targeting purposes, the aim being to display relevant and personalized Google advertising. | 24 months | |
__Secure-3PSIDCC | Used to generate a profile of the interests of website visitors for targeting purposes, the aim being to display relevant and personalized Google advertising. | 12 months | |
NID | Registers a unique ID that identifies the device of a repeat visitor. The ID is used for targeted advertising. | 6 months | |
test_cookie | Used to check whether the visitor’s browser supports cookies. | 24 hours | |
_fbp | Used by Facebook to display advertising, measure and improve the relevance of advertising, and offer a range of advertising products on Facebook. | 3 months |
Name | Provider | Purpose | Expiration |
_ga | Google Tag Manager | Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data about how visitors use the website. | 24 months |
_gat_UA-88549929-1 | Google Tag Manager | Used by Google Analytics to limit the request rate. | 1 minute |
_gat_UA-XXXXXXXX-X | Google Tag Manager | Used by Google Analytics to limit the request rate. | 1 minute |
_gid | Google Tag Manager | Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data about how visitors use the website. | 24 hours |
_gat_G-XXXXXXXXXX | Google Tag Manager | Used by Google Analytics to limit the request rate. | 1 minute |
Name | Provider | Purpose | Expiration |